The "Path to Conversion" page allows you to configure, monitor, and analyze the fields and metrics essential to understanding your conversion journey. Each section provides options to map key inputs and organize data effectively.
Attribution Field Mapping
Attribution Field Mapping
Use this section to connect conversion events to their originating sources, such as campaigns, medium, or content.
Marketing Influenced
Marketing Influenced
Select the Marketing Channels header to categorize traffic sources like organic, paid, or referral.
Use these fields to evaluate the performance of specific channels in driving conversions.
Marketing Channels
Marketing Channels
Select the Marketing Channels dropdowns to categorize traffic sources like organic, paid, or referral.
Use these fields to evaluate the performance of specific channels in driving conversions.
Content Channels
Content Channels
In the Content Channels section, you’ll find two dropdowns
Select Report Type: Use this dropdown to choose the type of report you want to generate, such as engagement, impressions, or conversions.
Select Report: After selecting a report type, use this dropdown to specify the particular report you want to view or analyze.
These options help you customize and review content performance based on the chosen parameters.
System Reports Metrics
System Reports Metrics
The System Reports Metrics section is where you can define the key performance indicators (KPIs) that matter most to your team.
System Reports Extra Fields
System Reports Extra Fields
This dropdown allows you to select the specific page or group of pages to associate with the extra fields.
This is useful for isolating data related to key landing pages or conversion-critical pages.
This dropdown allows you to select the specific page or group of pages to associate with the extra fields.
This is useful for isolating data related to key landing pages or conversion-critical pages.