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Updated over 4 months ago

The Conversion Section allows you to set up, customize, and track key conversion events essential for your analytics and reporting. This guide walks you through each component of the section to ensure accurate configuration.

Conversion Name

The Conversion Name field lets you define a unique name for your conversion event.

  • Enter a descriptive name that identifies the action you want to track (e.g., "Sign-Up Completion" or "Purchase Made").

  • Below this input field, you’ll find a toggle button labeled Custom Dashboard Metric.

    1. Toggle this on if you want the conversion event to be included as a custom metric in your dashboard.

    2. When enabled, this option makes the conversion visible and customizable in reporting dashboards.

Data Source

The Data Source section determines how the conversion data is captured. Choose one of the following options:

  1. Captured by Sona Pixel: Select this option to track conversions using the Sona Pixel installed on your website.

  2. Report: Use this option if you want to pull conversion data from an existing report or external source.


The Settings section lets you fine-tune the details of your conversion tracking.

  1. Field - Specify the data field you want to filter (e.g., "Event Type" or "Page URL").

  2. Filter - Define the filter criteria for your selected field (e.g., "contains," "equals").

  3. Value - Enter the value that matches the filter (e.g., "Sign-Up" or "Thank You Page").

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