Export your Sona Audiences data to Salesforce using Destinations to automatically update your CRM records with new high-quality leads and accounts.
If you haven’t connected Sona to your Salesforce account, click Connectors on the main menu to integrate Salesforce with Sona.
Once you’ve set up a Salesforce Connector, you can add it as a destination.
Add a destination name.
Enter a number (in seconds) for the Sync Frequency.
Choose a source audience report under Origin, then select your Salesforce account under Destination.
Select the target Salesforce Entity you wish to update.
Choose Add/Update to add new contacts and update existing CRM contact profiles, or Update only if you just want to update your existing Salesforce records.
Select a column in the source report, then select a matching attribute in the Salesforce Field.
Click +Add to create more data mapping rules.
Click the - sign to remove the attribute from the list
Click Save to create the new destination, or Cancel to exit without saving and go back to the Destinations page.