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Updated over 4 months ago

Shares provides an overview of shared resources within your account. As a user without admin access, you will only have view access to this table, and no changes can be made. However, if you have the appropriate permissions, you can use checkboxes to select rows for editing or deletion.

Table Overview

  1. Name – Displays the name of the shared resource.

  2. Shared With – Indicates the user or entity that the resource is shared with.

  3. Shared With Organization – Shows the organization that the resource is shared with.

  4. Type – Specifies the type of shared resource.

  5. Config – Displays the configuration related to the shared resource.

  6. Shared By – Shows the user who shared the resource.

  7. Created – Displays the date the resource was shared.

  8. Source ID – Indicates the unique identifier of the source associated with the shared resource.

  9. UUID – Displays the unique identifier for the shared resource.

  10. ID – Shows the system identifier for the shared resource.

How to Use

  • View Shared Resources – Review important information about shared resources within your account.

  • Track Who Shared and Received Resources – Use the Shared With, Shared With Organization, and Shared By columns to understand the sharing context of each resource.

  • Select Rows for Editing or Deletion – On the left side of each row, there is a checkbox. Clicking or checking this box will allow you to select the row for editing or deletion, provided you have the necessary permissions.

Additional Notes

  • As a non-admin user, you may not have the ability to edit or delete entries. If you cannot modify the data, please contact an admin for assistance.

  • If you need assistance or further details about a shared resource, reach out to your admin team.

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