In addition to updating your Privacy Policy, we also recommend updating your website's cookie banner.
Although Sona employs cookie-less tracking, clearly informing users that your site uses cookies and collects user data ensures compliance with privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA. It also demonstrates your transparency and commitment to protecting user privacy.
A clear and informative cookie banner can enhance the user experience and encourages more confident interactions with your site.
Do I Need a Cookie Banner on My Website?
Do I Need a Cookie Banner on My Website?
The answer is …it depends.
If you use cookies to process personal data or track your website visitors, then the answer is yes.
Cookie banner requirements differ based on regional law. For instance, in the EU, it’s considered best practice to have a separate cookie policy, whereas in the U.S., you can include it in the privacy policy.
If you only use cookies deemed "strictly necessary" for your website's basic functioning, then your website would be exempt from consent requirements under GDPR. This means you do not need to display a cookie banner if you are only using these essential cookies. Other laws may vary and have different requirements.
Additionally, if you’re only using “strictly necessary” cookies on your website and cookieless tracking solutions for other purposes, it can be interpreted under laws such as GDPR and CCPA that your website is only using "strictly necessary" cookies. Consequently, your website could be exempt from displaying any sort of cookie consent banner. We always recommend speaking to your privacy attorney to get advice related to the specifics of your business.
While it may not be possible to eliminate cookie consent banners entirely in the near future, the way we approach user consent and data tracking is changing. Cookieless tracking and the development of more user-friendly consent mechanisms offer options for a better balance between privacy, user experience, and business needs.